How the Best Vodka Made in UK Is Made and Served at Your Table?

From its humble medieval origins as a medical agent, vodka has taken the world by storm. In 2012, drinkers drank 1.17 billion gallons of distilled spirits, making it the most popular liquor in the world. Vodka Made in UK first fermented foods that contain sugar or starch, and then distill the product to increase its alcohol content. (Fermentation means adding sugar to yeast so the yeast can produce alcohol.) Most vodkas today are made from fermented grains like sorghum, corn, rice, rye, or wheat, but you can use potatoes, fruit, or even sugar. The earliest records of vodka come from 9th-century Russia and 8th-century Poland. During the Napoleonic Wars, vodka's popularity spread among Russian soldiers. After the Russian Revolution, a vodka producer moved to Paris and opened a distillery with the now-famous French spelling of Smirnoff. How to make Distilled Vodka Made in UK? Vodka is made from fermented and distilled starch that has been converted into sugar. Technically, you need a...